6 tips for automated email personalization

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6 tips for automated email personalization

Email marketing automation can level up your campaign results, but it’s important to personalize your content as much as possible. Fortunately, it is possible to use automated email personalization.

Simply put, email marketing automation transforms the manual sending of marketing emails into an automatic workflow that generates recipients on criteria you choose and triggers the sending of emails to those recipients in a pre-determined sequence.

The key to great email marketing automation is “effectively replicating authentic one-to-one conversations with your prospects and customers — at scale,” according to Julie Beynon of Clearbit.

Therefore, there’s more to it than just the automation side. Personalization must be included.

Automated email personalization is about more than sending emails with first names included. It requires context, relevancy, and accuracy. What would your recipients expect if you were emailing them personally? That’s what you should strive for with automated email personalization.

Benefits include flexibility since it can run on its own after setup and efficiency since you can effectively message at scale.

The following are six tips for automated email personalization that can boost results for your business.

Segment your contact list

When dividing up your email list, consider categories based on your contacts’ demographics, geographic location, time zone, and/or any behavioral information you have.

Doing so helps you tailor your email content, according to each recipient’s needs and interests.

Of course, the power of segmentation relies on both the cleanliness of your data and how much data you have. Make sure you use a marketing automation tool, such as DailyStory, to manage and segment your contacts accordingly.

Use dynamic content for automated email personalization

Dynamic content automatically updates content within an email that offers real-time information to a customer every time an email is opened.

It’s a powerful tool to ensure that your recipient is receiving the most up-to-date, tailored content for him or her.

Create personalized landing pages

Connect your automated emails with personalized landing pages so that when recipients click the call-to-actions and links in your email, they will arrive on landing pages that are tailored specifically to their needs.

Landing pages are a great way to offer more information for interested recipients to help convert the sale you’re seeking.

Don’t forget to personalize with a name

While automated email personalization should be more than just including the name of your recipient, it still shouldn’t be overlooked.

One of the most common and straightforward ways to personalize an email is by including the recipient’s name in the subject line or the opening of the email. It’s also very effective in compelling your recipient to open your email. Emails with personalized subject lines are 22 percent more likely to be opened.

Schedule emails at the right time

An effective email personalization strategy aims to send the right information at the right time. 

Within your automated workflow, confirm that you’re at least sending emails during weekdays. Also, make sure that they’re sending at the right time in your recipient’s correct time zone as opposed to the middle of the night. This is especially important if your contact list spreads across multiple time zones.

Test and optimize your emails

Experiment with different elements of your emails like subject lines, content, layout, design, and timing to find out what works best for you.

It is possible to use AI for A/B testing for emails. However, even just regular check-ins on your campaign’s performance, as well as small tweaks along the way to address the metrics you’re seeing, can go a long way.

In conclusion

If your business isn’t currently using automated email personalization or automation in general, now is the time to level up. If you don’t, your competitors will leave you behind.

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