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Best practices, recommendations, and tips for digital marketers

11 best practices to help you grow your social media followers

Social media is a key part of any business’s digital marketing strategy, but are you seeing enough followers and engagement on your accounts? About 3.6 billion people worldwide were using social media in 2020, and that’s expected to grow to about 4.4 billion by 2025. … Continue reading “11 best practices to help you grow your social media followers”

5 tips to optimize your Facebook Pixel

The key to any digital marketing strategy involves testing, tracking and refining based on the data. When it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads, you must incorporate the free-to-use Facebook Pixel to obtain the best data tied to your campaign performance. The Facebook Pixel is … Continue reading “5 tips to optimize your Facebook Pixel”

7 advantages to automating your workflow

Workflow automation allows you and your employees to save time on administrative and repetitive tasks, so they can focus on more important business goals.  In addition, automating your workflow helps you avoid the issues associated with manual work, such as human error. Many stages of … Continue reading “7 advantages to automating your workflow”

12 SEO marketing tips for beginners

Search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO, is critical for every website, but it’s also achievable, even for beginners. SEO is all about ensuring that your website content ranks high in relevant search engine results. Of course, the higher you land in search rankings, … Continue reading “12 SEO marketing tips for beginners”

8 tips to make your event marketing better

Understandably, event marketing is a broad strategy that can be used within your digital marketing, based on the events you may or may not be hosting. But for businesses that do host or attend any sort of event (in-person or online), it’s critical to think … Continue reading “8 tips to make your event marketing better”

14 biggest mistakes businesses make on Instagram (and how to avoid them)

With more than 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram clearly holds an appeal for brands looking to reach key target audiences. But on the fourth-largest mobile app, it can be all too easy for brands to make very public mistakes. The following are the 14 … Continue reading “14 biggest mistakes businesses make on Instagram (and how to avoid them)”

7 ranking factors to know about the Facebook Algorithm

Facebook is still the largest social media network today. As of the second quarter of 2021, Facebook had about 2.89 billion monly active users. At the core of the platform is the news feed, which is controlled by the Facebook Algorithm. The Facebook Algorithm controls … Continue reading “7 ranking factors to know about the Facebook Algorithm”

6 biggest mistakes businesses make on LinkedIn

LinkedIn remains a popular social media network for professionals and B2B marketing in particular. The platform offers the ability to create a free personal profile, as well as a Company Page to represent your larger brand, LinkedIn currently has 722 million users, which doesn’t make … Continue reading “6 biggest mistakes businesses make on LinkedIn”

Personal, Creator or Business: The right Instagram for your brand

Instagram is a vital marketing platform for many brands. Are you using the right account type? The visual-first social media app boasts more than 1 billion users worldwide. More women use Instagram than men, and the majority of users are between 25 and 34 years … Continue reading “Personal, Creator or Business: The right Instagram for your brand”

10 tips to encourage more user-generated content

User-generated content should be part of your overall digital marketing strategy. Why? About 85 percent of consumers think that visual user-generated content (UGC) is more persuasive than branded photos or videos. UGC is unpaid or unsponsored social media posts that consumers share about a product … Continue reading “10 tips to encourage more user-generated content”

7 expert tips to set achievable marketing goals for your small business

Most marketing advice begins the same way, with “set your goals.” And while it may feel repetitive, it’s absolutely true. Setting goals increases the success of your marketing strategy by about 429 percent. Of course, in the simplest sense, goals help you understand where you … Continue reading “7 expert tips to set achievable marketing goals for your small business”

16 Instagram marketing tips that you should know

Marketing on Instagram is a non-negotiable aspect of digital marketing for many brands. The visuals-first social media platform boasts more than 1.16 billion users, and about 90 percent of Instagram users follow at least one business. While the success of any brand on Instagram involves … Continue reading “16 Instagram marketing tips that you should know”

7 tips to help you determine your target audience

Even if you could afford to target everyone, it’s not a good idea.  Why? Because the success of our digital marketing (and business) happens based on determining our target audience and creating a strategy focused on reaching that group of consumers. And no small business … Continue reading “7 tips to help you determine your target audience”

6 Facebook marketing tips you should know

It’s hard to imagine a business that doesn’t at least have a presence on Facebook. But is your brand taking advantage of all the marketing opportunities that exist on the platform? With more than 2.8 million monthly users, Facebook still holds the title of being … Continue reading “6 Facebook marketing tips you should know”

Snapshot: The challenges and opportunities of Snapchat for businesses

Businesses typically can be hesitant to use Snapchat in their digital marketing strategy. And there is no right or wrong with that position because every business (and its goals and resources) is different. Created in 2011, Snapchat features image and video messaging between users. More … Continue reading “Snapshot: The challenges and opportunities of Snapchat for businesses”

LinkedIn marketing: 6 tips to be more effective

Known as the largest professional social network, marketing on LinkedIn can be effective when done right. LinkedIn now has more than 660 million registered professionals. LinkedIn has assisted about 45 percent of marketers with customer acquisition, while the platform accounts for about 80 percent of … Continue reading “LinkedIn marketing: 6 tips to be more effective”

11 tips to best respond to negative reviews

No business wants (or wants to have to respond to) negative reviews online.  But they do happen, and you must respond to reduce any damage to your online reputation and potential sales. About 90 percent of consumers worldwide read reviews before buying products, and about … Continue reading “11 tips to best respond to negative reviews”

12 ways to optimize your Google My Business profile

If your business has a specific location (or locations), then ranking in local search results should be a priority, especially on Google.  About 46 percent of all Google searches are looking for local information, while 88 percent of searches for local businesses on a mobile … Continue reading “12 ways to optimize your Google My Business profile”

Mobile SEO: What it is and 6 best practices

The internet (and the world) is becoming increasingly mobile, so businesses must consider mobile search engine optimization (SEO) as part of their overall marketing strategy. About 52 percent of all page views worldwide are mobile, while about 64 percent of all Google organic search traffic … Continue reading “Mobile SEO: What it is and 6 best practices”

7 reasons why your business should use a social media management tool

Social media management can be complex for many businesses. Tools are the solution. The more accounts you have, the more you have to stay on top of your posting, engagement and monitoring. It’s worth the effort, though. About 44.8 percent of global internet users used … Continue reading “7 reasons why your business should use a social media management tool”

13 biggest mistakes businesses make on Facebook (and how to avoid them)

An obvious tool in many digital marketing strategies, Facebook gives your business the ability to share content, engage with your followers and target potential customers. But it’s also an easy space to make any number of mistakes. The good news is that done right, Facebook … Continue reading “13 biggest mistakes businesses make on Facebook (and how to avoid them)”

Terms and Conditions: How to confirm your giveaways are legal

Giveaways are great marketing tactics for generating leads, but are you using Terms and Conditions to protect yourself? Of course, while it’s ideal to have a legal team to refer to for all contests and sweepstakes you host, this isn’t always possible for small businesses. … Continue reading “Terms and Conditions: How to confirm your giveaways are legal”

12 expert tips to host your first webinar

Webinars are only growing in popularity. About 60 percent of marketers use webinars as a content marketing tool. They help increase the understanding of your products and services by about 74 percent. And as a form of premium content, webinars can help you generate and … Continue reading “12 expert tips to host your first webinar”

14 expert tips to improve your mobile marketing

Mobile has revolutionized the way we do business. And the strength of our mobile marketing can make or break a company. Mobile marketing is the adaptation of your marketing efforts to reach users through their mobile devices. This matters because about half of consumers shop … Continue reading “14 expert tips to improve your mobile marketing”

7 tips to offer addictive live-stream workouts

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the fitness industry on its head, thrusting gym owners and instructors into live-stream workouts. Teaching fitness virtually is obviously very different from teaching in person. And live-stream workouts don’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. “Due to [the] COVID-19 outbreak, … Continue reading “7 tips to offer addictive live-stream workouts”

7 ways social media can influence your SEO

Unsure how your social media presence can improve your search engine rankings? Content is king in the world of SEO (search engine optimization), and the content you share on your social media accounts can have an impact on your SEO. To be clear, the amount … Continue reading “7 ways social media can influence your SEO”

15+ of the best free productivity tools you should know about

Need more time in a day? We all do. Consider the potential of some of the latest and greatest productivity tools that can help you be more efficient, focused and/or organized. About 55 percent of retailers believe better technology can positively impact productivity. At the … Continue reading “15+ of the best free productivity tools you should know about”

Premium content: What it is and how you can leverage it in your marketing

If content is king, then what would premium content be? Content marketing itself is increasingly important for businesses to embrace in a digital world. Think of your website (or even your social media accounts) as a planet. Your content being the gravitational pull that generates … Continue reading “Premium content: What it is and how you can leverage it in your marketing”

6 things fitness professionals should know about marketing

Joining the fitness industry typically means that you’re passionate about helping people. It doesn’t always mean that you’re a digital marketing genius. Whether you’re the best personal trainer, group trainer and/or gym owner, you must be able to get the word out about your facilities, … Continue reading “6 things fitness professionals should know about marketing”

8 tips for a successful social media takeover

Looking to shake up your brand’s online presence? Consider a social media takeover. A social media takeover is a form of influencer marketing where you grant posting privileges to a person of interest for a predetermined period of time. This can be an influencer, expert … Continue reading “8 tips for a successful social media takeover”

5 tips to help create successful hybrid fitness classes

Fitness studios pivoted to technological solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online fitness market is expected to reach $59.23 billion by 2027, growing at a rate of 33.1 percent from 2020 to 2027. And while your studio may be back to in-person workouts, you might … Continue reading “5 tips to help create successful hybrid fitness classes”

Competitive analysis: What it is and how you can start yours

How often do you perform a competitive analysis for your brand? If the answer is “not often” or “never,” your business is missing out on valuable insights.  About 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies practice some form of competitive analysis regularly. A competitive analysis is … Continue reading “Competitive analysis: What it is and how you can start yours”

8 tips to create an effective content calendar

Content marketing has many moving parts. From what to write to where to post, how to post and what else can be brought back (and when), you then have to ensure that everything you’re doing is engaging and relevant. Organization is critical. A content calendar … Continue reading “8 tips to create an effective content calendar”

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