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Best practices, recommendations, and tips for digital marketers

4 tips to become a fitness affiliate marketer

As a fitness professional, you likely are well aware that there are only so many hours in the day. Hours to train clients, hours to plan for those sessions and so on. This finite capacity of time restricts your ability to grow your income through … Continue reading “4 tips to become a fitness affiliate marketer”

14 best practices for email drip campaigns

If your business is not currently employing any email drip campaigns, you’re definitely missing out on some conversion opportunities. But never fear! It’s not too late to get your first campaign up and running. Email drip campaigns are a type of time-release email marketing tactic. … Continue reading “14 best practices for email drip campaigns”

22 Chrome extensions to boost your SEO

What’s more convenient than SEO tools within your Chrome browser? SEO (search engine optimization) can help drive more organic traffic to your website by ranking your website higher during relevant queries in search engines (predominantly Google but others as well). And SEO still very much … Continue reading “22 Chrome extensions to boost your SEO”

9 FOMO techniques you can use in your digital marketing

What is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)? FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is about leveraging the fear we all have of losing out on amazing opportunities, experiences and so on, no matter what they might be. And use of FOMO is very effective for digital … Continue reading “9 FOMO techniques you can use in your digital marketing”

What are SEO stop words and should you worry about them?

In your efforts to optimize your website for search engines, you may have come across the concept of SEO stop words.  But what are SEO stop words? How do they impact your SEO? And should you worry about them in your SEO strategy? What are … Continue reading “What are SEO stop words and should you worry about them?”

11 free (or almost free) social media management tools

More likely than not, your business has a presence on more than one social media platform. The more platforms you are on, the harder it is to manually post, monitor and engage within your native social media accounts. Social media management involves the many moving … Continue reading “11 free (or almost free) social media management tools”

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): What they are and how to use them

What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)? Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a new standard from Google to ensure your content renders as quickly and efficiently as possible on mobile devices. Odds are you are reading this page on a mobile device. More than 56 percent … Continue reading “Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): What they are and how to use them”

Increase your email open rates with these 8 strategies

What is email open rate? Email open rate is the number of unique opens divided by the total number of delivered emails. How open rate is calculated If you sent an email to 1,000 recipients: 965 emails were delivered 35 emails bounced 175 unique opens The … Continue reading “Increase your email open rates with these 8 strategies”

What happens if subscribers mark your emails as spam?

What is a Spam complaint? Spam complaints are when an email recipient clicks on the “spam” button within their mailbox provider interface for any particular message. They can happen within an email inbox on any device. These complaints ultimately affect your deliverability as well as … Continue reading “What happens if subscribers mark your emails as spam?”

8 expert tips to create an email onboarding sequence that converts

It’s one thing to convert website visitors to email subscribers. It’s another to convert those subscribers into paying customers. Enter email onboarding. That’s what makes an effective email onboarding sequence so critical to your sales efforts. What is email onboarding? An email onboarding sequence is … Continue reading “8 expert tips to create an email onboarding sequence that converts”

9 tips and tricks to boost your off-page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to a website’s organic traffic. But not all SEO is the same. There are different types of SEO, with on-page and off-page being the two categories in terms of tactics. Off-page SEO refers to all the things you can … Continue reading “9 tips and tricks to boost your off-page SEO”

Got Twitter? 8 expert tips to help you market your business better

While Twitter is a powerful social media platform, it’s easy for your business to get lost in the “noise.” But it’s worth cutting through and getting your message heard. It’s important to stand out. The average Twitter user follows at least five businesses, and about … Continue reading “Got Twitter? 8 expert tips to help you market your business better”

13 tips to get your website indexed by Google faster

Before you should even dive into strategies for your website’s search engine optimization, you have to consider your website’s Google indexing. Without Google indexing, your website is basically invisible to search queries, which would basically kill your organic web traffic. It’s important to understand that … Continue reading “13 tips to get your website indexed by Google faster”

8 tips to increase organic traffic to your website

While digital advertising likely has a recurring portion of your budget, not all website traffic has to be paid for. It is possible to increase your web traffic organically. Keep in mind that 51 percent of website traffic is organic, while internet browsers opt to … Continue reading “8 tips to increase organic traffic to your website”

8 expert tips to get started with conversational marketing

Conversational marketing is a fantastic way to engage with consumers and nurture them into paying customers. Too many businesses rely on posted website information to address potential questions, but putting the responsibility on the consumer to figure everything out on his or her own is … Continue reading “8 expert tips to get started with conversational marketing”

7 tips to be more conversational (and relatable) in your marketing

Are you concerned about your marketing messages sounding too stuffy, or worse yet, cringe-worthy? In an effort to speak as your brand across digital channels, it’s all too easy to lack personality and miss the opportunity to engage with your audience and persuade them to … Continue reading “7 tips to be more conversational (and relatable) in your marketing”

11 free graphic design tools for the non-designer

Visuals are everything when it comes to digital marketing these days. That applies to everything, from the design of your website to the images you use on your brand’s social media channels. Consistent brand presentation across all platforms increases revenue by up to 23 percent. … Continue reading “11 free graphic design tools for the non-designer”

7 tips to better target your Facebook ads (and see more results)

Advertising on Facebook is a great way to reach a lot of people.  It is the No. 1 social media network, after all, reaching about 59 percent of the world’s social networking population. But just like with any advertising, Facebook ads are only as effective … Continue reading “7 tips to better target your Facebook ads (and see more results)”

7 tips to level up your content marketing

You likely know by now that content is king. But when it comes to content marketing, it’s almost too easy to find yourself spinning your wheels. Creating content to simply create content, without a direction, plan or strategy can end up being a waste of … Continue reading “7 tips to level up your content marketing”

6 tips to maximize your social media advertising budget

When it comes to social media marketing, it’s increasingly more difficult to hit your goals without “paying to play.” Don’t get us wrong. There is immense value in an organic (nonpaid) posting strategy. But organic reach on social media isn’t what it used to be. … Continue reading “6 tips to maximize your social media advertising budget”

What is a trust badge? 5 types you can embed on your website

Now more than ever, e-commerce is big business. The number of U.S. consumers shopping online has grown from about 209 million in 2016 to more than 230 million in 2021. But just as e-commerce is on the rise, so is the need to build trust … Continue reading “What is a trust badge? 5 types you can embed on your website”

15 tips to market your brand on TikTok

For any businesses targeting younger customers, TikTok is not only the next frontier of social media marketing, it’s a key platform to include in your overall strategy. And the sooner you can work TikTok into your digital marketing, the better. TikTok consists of 15-second-max video … Continue reading “15 tips to market your brand on TikTok”

Get heard: 9 tips for starting your first podcast

To diversify your audience reach, starting a podcast could be the right move for your brand. About 75 percent of Americans are familiar with the term “podcasting” (up from 70 percent in 2019), while about 50 percent of all American homes are podcast fans, according … Continue reading “Get heard: 9 tips for starting your first podcast”

13 tips to repurpose content like a rockstar marketer

We can all agree that “content is king,” but not all of us have the time to constantly create increasingly more content. This is where repurposing your existing content can come into play. Repurposed content involves adding to or heavily revising your existing content to … Continue reading “13 tips to repurpose content like a rockstar marketer”

20 tips to grow your YouTube subscribers

We know. The sound of anyone trying to grow subscribers on any platform can sound like the pursuit of a vanity metric. However, on YouTube especially, more subscribers pave the way to increasing your organic reach. This matters because YouTube is the world’s second-largest website. … Continue reading “20 tips to grow your YouTube subscribers”

7 tips to optimize for voice search and get ahead of the curve

While voice search may have begun as a novel concept, it definitely has a place in your SEO strategy now. Of course, voice search began with smartphone use but has grown to include both smart speakers and voice assistants. It involves what is commonly understood … Continue reading “7 tips to optimize for voice search and get ahead of the curve”

WordPress and DailyStory Marketing Automation Integration

When we set out to launch DailyStory’s website, WordPress was the natural choice. And, we wanted to build integration between DailyStory and WordPress that made it easy for any WordPress website to leverage DailyStory’s features. DailyStory is a marketing automation platform. Many features of which … Continue reading “WordPress and DailyStory Marketing Automation Integration”

12 tips to use Facebook Groups to grow your business

Organic reach isn’t what it used to be on social media, especially on Facebook. So, it’s no surprise that interest has grown among businesses to use Facebook Groups to better engage with their audience. More than 1.8 billion people use them every month. From February … Continue reading “12 tips to use Facebook Groups to grow your business”

Keyword blocklists: What they do and whether you should use them

What are keyword block lists Key word blocklists contains specific words you are trying to avoid being associated with. PPC ads running next to or associated with; Words and phrases to avoid in content marketing Words and phrases to avoid in social media Words and … Continue reading “Keyword blocklists: What they do and whether you should use them”

Does duplicate content hurt your website’s SEO?

There is definitely a fear that duplicate content in any form will hurt your website’s search engine rankings. That fear is not unfounded. Duplicate content is content that appears at more than one unique website address. While there is no official penalty for duplicate content, … Continue reading “Does duplicate content hurt your website’s SEO?”

Surviving a new normal: how DailyStory can help your business

Gone are the days of small business successes regardless of customer service and overall experience.  More than ever, businesses must understand consumers’ needs and digitize as many aspects of the purchasing experience as possible. We are living in a customer-first, digital-preferred marketplace. Particularly since the … Continue reading “Surviving a new normal: how DailyStory can help your business”

What is the difference between programmatic and native advertising?

Jargon is often a part of the advertising world. But when it comes to where you’re spending your money, you should at least understand the basics. About 47 percent of small business owners handle all their marketing themselves, which only underscores the need to better … Continue reading “What is the difference between programmatic and native advertising?”

What is the best video platform for marketers?

Video is an important part of any company’s digital marketing strategy. Why? It’s highly engaging. About 45 percent of people watch more than one hour of Facebook or YouTube videos per week, while 92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.  For businesses … Continue reading “What is the best video platform for marketers?”

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