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Best practices, recommendations, and tips for digital marketers

8 steps for finding your franchise voice

You may hear it often these days. Your franchise voice is everything online. It helps people connect with your brand, engage with you and (hopefully) come to trust you. As Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos once said, “Your brand is what people say about you when … Continue reading “8 steps for finding your franchise voice”

6 benefits of email marketing for ecommerce businesses

Despite all the new digital marketing platforms coming out, email remains a valuable, effective and inexpensive tool. In fact, email marketing can play a significant role in the success of ecommerce businesses. Essentially, email marketing is a direct marketing channel. It enables businesses to share … Continue reading “6 benefits of email marketing for ecommerce businesses”

Going live: 7 tips for any social media platform

Going live on any social media platform can feel intimidating, but if you let fear keep you away from live videos, you’re missing out on an ample opportunity. Live videos capture attention between 10 and 20 times longer than prerecorded, on-demand content, while more than … Continue reading “Going live: 7 tips for any social media platform”

7 steps to gain insights into your franchise competition

How often do you perform a competitive analysis of your franchise competition? If the answer is “not often” or “never,” your franchise business is missing out on valuable insights.  About 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies practice some form of competitive analysis regularly. A franchise … Continue reading “7 steps to gain insights into your franchise competition”

9 do’s and don’ts of SMS text message marketing

It’s tough to beat SMS text message marketing when it comes to digital marketing tactics. Text messaging is fast, direct, efficient and relatively inexpensive when compared to other advertising tactics (such as Google Ads). Short message service (SMS) marketing is a form of marketing that … Continue reading “9 do’s and don’ts of SMS text message marketing”

How to evaluate your franchise marketing data

Gathering marketing data is a great first step to understanding your franchise’s target audience and ensuring your campaigns are effective. However, after gathering data, you’ll need to understand that data by being able to read and evaluate it. Evaluation is key to ensuring you cut … Continue reading “How to evaluate your franchise marketing data”

10 ways to create email marketing campaigns that convert

Email marketing campaigns are still one of the most effective tools in your digital marketing toolkit. For every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $40. In addition, email is the main driver of customer retention and acquisition for … Continue reading “10 ways to create email marketing campaigns that convert”

8 benefits of personalization in your digital marketing

Now more than ever, consumers want businesses to treat them as individuals. Personalization in your digital marketing can help. In fact, personalization allows you to show that you really know your customers and can create unique experiences for them across platforms. Personalized marketing, otherwise known … Continue reading “8 benefits of personalization in your digital marketing”

Email marketing Do’s and Don’ts – 11 Strategies to Follow

Email marketing is an important tool in your digital marketing toolkit and it’s important to understand the email marketing do’s and the email marketing dont’s. Not only is it continuing to grow in popularity, but it’s powerful. About 92 percent of online adults use email, … Continue reading “Email marketing Do’s and Don’ts – 11 Strategies to Follow”

How to measure the success of your SMS marketing campaign

It’s impossible to create and execute successful SMS marketing campaigns without measuring key metrics. SMS marketing involves sending promotional campaigns or transactional messages for marketing purposes using text messages. About 81 percent of Americans use text messaging. Text message open rates are as high as … Continue reading “How to measure the success of your SMS marketing campaign”

Affiliate marketing – 4 tips to create additional revenue streams

Looking for ways to create additional revenue streams for your small business? Affiliate marketing might be for you. This method of marketing is about finding ways to complement and grow the business you already have by offering more value to your customers and anyone else … Continue reading “Affiliate marketing – 4 tips to create additional revenue streams”

5 ways to use SMS text marketing for customer retention

SMS text message marketing is a great way to reach mobile-first consumers, but you can use it to boost your customer retention rate as well. Customer retention refers to the rate at which customers stay with a business for a given period of time. Increasing … Continue reading “5 ways to use SMS text marketing for customer retention”

Event planning: 10 tips for stress-free events

Event planning is much harder than it appears from the outside. But events can also help your business achieve its goals. In fact, about 89 percent of marketers say that events are critical to reaching business objectives.  Event planning centers on the act of organizing … Continue reading “Event planning: 10 tips for stress-free events”

7 tips to successfully advertise on Reddit

Reddit doesn’t look like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, so advertising on the social media platform might feel intimidating. The website refers to itself as a “network of communities based on people’s interests.” These communities, known as subreddits, enable members to share images, videos and links … Continue reading “7 tips to successfully advertise on Reddit”

8 benefits of using an Instagram business account (and how to set it up)

Instagram is a must-have social media platform for many businesses, but do you need an Instagram business account? The visuals-first app generates about 1 billion active monthly users and is particularly popular among consumers 34 and younger. Features have diversified since its founding in 2010, … Continue reading “8 benefits of using an Instagram business account (and how to set it up)”

5 signs that your branding is broken

Your brand is your business’s identity. So, your branding is the reflection and culmination of your business’s personality, appearance, voice and overall vibe. It takes about seven seconds for consumers to make an instant decision about whether or not they like and trust your brand. … Continue reading “5 signs that your branding is broken”

6 tips to improve your customer retention rate

Strong customer retention is just smart business. The cost of losing one customer equates to seven times the resources used to convert them. Customer retention is about maintaining your current customer base and increasing loyalty by offering better products or services and other benefits. Customer … Continue reading “6 tips to improve your customer retention rate”

5 omnichannel marketing tips to help grow your business

With shopping habits rapidly evolving, it’s more important than ever for your multiple marketing channels to work together to engage consumers and ultimately lead them to purchase from you. Enter omnichannel marketing. Even if customers are in your physical store, about 42 percent of in-store … Continue reading “5 omnichannel marketing tips to help grow your business”

6 tips for marketing to Millennial consumers

Often the punchline to a joke, Millennial consumers should not be overlooked. Born between 1981 and 1996, creative and tech-savvy Millennials are transforming our marketplace. Millennials care about saving, peer recommendations, reading and researching before they buy and environmentally rewarding experiences. In fact, Millennials were … Continue reading “6 tips for marketing to Millennial consumers”

11 steps to create an effective business website

Regardless of the type of small business you have, an effective and engaging website is critical to your brand’s success. With almost 2 billion websites on the internet and U.S. users visiting more than 130 web pages per day, you have stiff competition to not … Continue reading “11 steps to create an effective business website”

Best Marketing Conferences 2023

Looking for the 2024 List? Looking for a list of the best marketing conferences for 2023? Our up-to-date list of the best marketing conferences for 2023 will help you find one of the dozens of marketing conferences happening around the world this year. We’re also … Continue reading “Best Marketing Conferences 2023”

Growth marketing: What it is and 4 ideas to inspire you

Growth marketing is all about your long-term strategy, but the term itself can lead to confusion regarding its true meaning. Because marketing is what’s done to grow a business, shouldn’t all marketing be growth marketing? The answer is no. Growth marketing is a strategy-based, data-driven … Continue reading “Growth marketing: What it is and 4 ideas to inspire you”

11 local SEO tips to help you beat your competition

For local-focused businesses, you must seize the opportunity to rank high in local searches. In other words, developing your local search engine optimization. Local SEO is when search engines rely on signals (such as local content, social profile pages, links and citations) to provide the … Continue reading “11 local SEO tips to help you beat your competition”

6 things you should know about BeReal

BeReal is one of the latest social media apps to create a buzz. It generated more than 56 million downloads in 2022, catching the attention of TikTok, which launched a feature (TikTok Now) that is reminiscent of what’s making BeReal popular.  But what is BeReal? … Continue reading “6 things you should know about BeReal”

6 differences between traditional PR and digital PR

These days, there are two different types of PR: traditional and digital. PR, which stands for public relations, refers to a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the public. Choosing whether your business should focus on traditional PR or digital … Continue reading “6 differences between traditional PR and digital PR”

The difference between cost-per-click and cost-per-impression

For any small business getting into digital advertising for the first time, understanding exactly what your spending your money on can feel a bit overwhelming. Of course, about 87 percent of all small businesses are advertising in general, but only about 49 percent are advertising … Continue reading “The difference between cost-per-click and cost-per-impression”

11 ways to better engage with Gen Z consumers

If your business is targeting Gen Z consumers, you likely already know that what might work for most consumers won’t necessarily work for this audience group. Roughly speaking, Gen Z includes individuals who were born between 1997 and 2012 and make up about 20 percent … Continue reading “11 ways to better engage with Gen Z consumers”

12 digital marketing strategy tips during a recession

No business wants a recession to happen, but they are inevitable.  Any shrinking of the economy can spur necessary changes not just in business plans but in your digital marketing strategy as well. Since 1945, the U.S. has gone through 11 recessions officially. While many … Continue reading “12 digital marketing strategy tips during a recession”

5 ways to handle social media negativity

Social media negativity is a fact of life for both individuals and brands.  As a brand, however, you want to make sure that you handle any negative comments appropriately. Any misstep can become a problem for your business. About 94 percent of consumers admit that … Continue reading “5 ways to handle social media negativity”

Social media posting: How often should a brand really share?

For about as long as social media became a natural component of digital marketing, brands have wondered: “How often should I post?” Obviously, no one wants to post too much or too little. As of 2022, there are about 4 billion social media users across … Continue reading “Social media posting: How often should a brand really share?”

5 tips for successful brand collaboration

Successful brand collaboration can help your company grow its online reputation (in a good way) and reach a wider audience. But if your partnership is weak or not the best fit, your collaboration will fail, which could cost you your reputation or even your profit. … Continue reading “5 tips for successful brand collaboration”

16 of the best marketing campaigns in 2022

An effective marketing campaign is so important to an organization’s success. Your product or service may be better than your competition, but without an effective marketing campaign, your audience will never know. Even the smallest adjustments to any marketing campaign your team creates can garner … Continue reading “16 of the best marketing campaigns in 2022”

7 tips for finding the right influencers for your digital marketing

Influencer marketing is easier said than done, especially when it comes to finding the right influencers for your brand and digital marketing campaigns. Simply put, influencer marketing involves increasing brand awareness, targeting new and niche audiences and increasing impressions and reach through a partnership with … Continue reading “7 tips for finding the right influencers for your digital marketing”

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